MEXC Global Exchange Launches FLUX1 on Margin Trading and PoS Saving

To bring the users a better trading experience and meet your diversified trading needs, MEXC has launched Flux (FLUX1) on Margin Trading and PoS Saving. The details are as follows:

FLUX1/USDT on Margin Trading

MEXC has launched FLUX1/USDT on Margin Trading with 4x leverage long and short available. The daily loan fee rate for buying long is 0.05%. The daily loan fee rate for selling short is 0.2%.


FLUX1 on PoS Saving

FLUX1 is now added into PoS Savings. Details are as follows:

1. Minimum amount of 1 FLUX1 required to participate. 

2. The estimated annualized yield rate is 3% and it will be adjusted according to the actual revenue of the PoS Pool.

3. FLUX1 tokens will be used for yield calculation. Daily yield = FLUX1 position * (APR / 365).

4. Yield will be generated 1 day after joining FLUX1 PoS Saving.

5. A snapshot of users’ FLUX1 positions will be taken at a random time daily. The minimum position of the day will be used for settlement.

6. Users are not required to freeze their assets, so trading or withdrawal are available at any time.

7. Users can choose to cancel PoS Savings at any time. Yield will be settled 1 day before the day of cancellation.

8. Participation method: 

Website: On menu bar, look for [Finance - PoS Pool] - [Flexible] - Find “FLUX1” to join.

App: On the middle menu bar, tap [PoS] - [Saving] and look for “FLUX1” to join.


1. Locked assets are not available for trading, withdrawal or unlocking in advance.
2. MEXC Global reserves the final right to conclude the event after it has launched for 14 days.

Risk Warning
Cryptocurrency investment is subject to high market risk. Please make your investments cautiously. MEXC Exchange will make the best efforts to choose high-quality token, but will not be responsible for your investment losses. As a digital asset trading platform that respects the community, MEXC adheres to the principle of truthful, tranCHESSrent and fair trading, with no malicious intent. We are committed to providing users with a service that is safer, more efficient, and more reliable for the trading of digital assets.



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