LUNA and UST How far will they go?
Everyone in the crypto market is talking about LUNA and UST, as well as the chaos that is causing a lot of FUD in the market.
UST, a dollar-pegged stablecoin, has depegged twice in the last 3-4 days, causing initial chaos, and is now attempting to stabilize around $0.90 per dollar. UST is an algorithmic stablecoin with no collateral backing it. It keeps its value through an arbitrage system and a protocol mechanism in which LUNA serves as a reserve asset throughout the process.
You can always exchange LUNA for UST on a dollar-for-dollar basis, and vice versa. When LUNA was around $100, you could redeem it for 100 UST or 100 UST for 1 LUNA.
If the price of UST is less than a dollar, you have the option of burning LUNA, then minting UST and pocketing the difference as a profit. Similarly, if UST exceeds a dollar, you can now burn it for LUNA to restore the peg. Many of them have been purchasing UST for less than a dollar in exchange for one dollar in LUNA, which they then sell on the open market for a profit.
Because of everything that is going on, the demand for UST is skyrocketing as LUNA is being burned by the minute.
Terra's stablecoin derives its utility from Anchor Protocol, a money market that holds nearly 74% of the demand in April 2022 for UST, which is approximately $12.3 billion out of the $16.7 billion, as it pays a handsome 19.5% APY on it. According to market sources, the 74% figure will be reduced to 40% in May 2022. In April, it was also discovered that the anchor reserve yield was melting at a rate of $122 million per month.
Jon Wu provided an excellent example of market FUD in his tweet:
Assume the LUNA price is $1 billion. Then, by burning a single LUNA, someone could create one billion UST. Then suppose the price drops to $1 for no apparent reason. That individual could exchange their stablecoin for 1 billion LUNA. So, for no apparent reason, there's suddenly a shitton more LUNA in circulation being dumped on the open market. This is the essence of what is going on right now."
Jon Wu
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